CVD risk is reversed after 5-10 years of no smoking
Enter present blood pressure regardless of treatment
120 mmHg is used for baseline risk
Click YES if taking blood pressure medication
Only applies if SBP is greater than 120 mmHg
Click YES if taking lipid-lowering medication
Click YES if taking antiplatelet/anticoagulant medication
Cholesterol should be prior to drug treatment
3 mmol/L is used for baseline risk.Click to change to mg/dL.
116 mg/dL is used for baseline risk.Click to change to mmol/L.
HDL should be prior to drug treatment
1.3 mmol/L is used for baseline risk.
50 mg/dL is used for baseline risk.
Angina or heart attack in a 1st degree relative < 60 yrs
CKD status is not part of the risk algorithm but is used for calculating the benefit of certain therapies
This socioeconomic deprivation index can be determined by answering eight questions. For detailed information, see page two of the NZDep2013 brief flyer or visit the website.
BMI of 25 kg/m2 for baseline risk
The amount of additional risk (relative increase in risk) conferred from a family member to a patient depends on: (1) how close a relative, (2) age of a relative, (3) number of affected family members.
If mother (< 65 yrs) increase risk 60%
If father (< 55 yrs) increase risk 75%
Benefit often has nothing to do with the effect on the surrogate marker. At present, you can only select one intervention at a time.
As with all risk calculators, calculated risk numbers are +/- 5% at best. More information.
See the QRISK®2 disclaimer for more information.